At Vic Rajah Family Lawyers, we provide advice concerning child support issues and also prepare Agreements tailored to your children’s unique financial needs. Based in the Melbourne CBD, Sandringham and Mt Eliza, our solicitors welcome to you to discuss your child support matters with our experienced team in an office near you.

If you separate from or divorce your spouse and have children, it is likely that one of you will have to pay child support to the other. Every parent has a legal duty to financially support their children, irrespective of the state of the relationship of the parents. Deciding on how much you are required to pay or eligible to receive is usually determined by the Department of Human Services (Child Support Agency). This process is in place to protect your children’s right to enjoy a fair and reasonable standard of living. It is important to remember that the goal is to provide children with a reasonable level of financial support that they would have had if their parents were still together.


It is important to understand how child support works. Whether you are the one who is required to pay or is eligible to receive the payments, seeking counsel from child support solicitors can help you better grasp the matter. The more you are guided on the notion, the more you are likely to understand how to meet the financial needs of your children.

When a child turns 18 years or completes secondary school, they will not be eligible to receive child support. However, they may be eligible due to a physical or mental incapacity or by undertaking tertiary studies have an eligibility to receive adult child maintenance. Factors such as these may not be widely known, but by talking with child support lawyers, you can properly adhere to necessary requirements.

The team at Vic Rajah Family Lawyers are able to advise about the circumstances which may give rise to ongoing financial support for adult children.


Contact our child support solicitors on (03) 9781 4222 or email You can organise an appointment in one of our offices in Melbourne CBD, Sandringham, or Mt Eliza.